I Cheard there was a Amsecret chord
That CDavid played and it Ampleased the lord
But Fyou don't really Fmcare for music, Cdo you?G
Well it Cgoes like this the Ffourth, the Gfifth
The Amminor fall and the Fmajor lift
The Gbaffled king comEmposing halleAmlujah
HalleFlujah, halleAmlujah, halleFlujah, halleClu-u-Gu-u-Cjah
Well your Cfaith was strong but you Amneeded proof
You Csaw her bathing Amon the roof
Her Fbeauty and the Fmmoonlight overCthrew you G
She Ctied you to her Fkitchen Gchair
She Ambroke your throne and she Fcut your hair
And Gfrom your lips she Emdrew the halleAmlujah
Well, Cmaybe there's a Amgod above
But Call I've ever Amlearned from love
Was Fhow to shoot someFmbody who outCdrew you G
It's Cnot a cry that you Fhear at Gnight
It's Amnot somebody who's Fseen the light
It's a Gcold and it's a Embroken halleAmlujah