GGCG | CCCGGWell Loretta she's my Cbarroom Ggirl
CWears them sevens on her Gsleeves
GDances like a Cdiamond Gshines
CTells me lies I love to Gb'lieve
D7Her age is always twenty two
Her Claughin' eyes a hazel Ghue
GSpends my money like Cwater Gfalls
CLoves me like I want her Gto
CCCG | CCCG | GGWell Loretta won't you Csay to Gme
CDarlin' put your guitar Gon
GHave a little Cshot of Gbooze
CPlay a blue and wailin' Gsong
D7My guitar rings a melody
My Cguitar sings "Loretta's Gfine"
GLong and lazy, Cblond and Gfree
CI can have her any Gtime
CCCG | CCCG | GGSweetest at the Cbreak a Gday
CPrettiest in the setting Gsun
GShe don't cry when CI can't Gstay
C'Least not 'til she's all Galone
D7Loretta I won't be gone long
CKeep your dancin' slippers Gon
GKeep me on your Cmind a Gwhile
I'm Ccomin' home, I'm comin' Ghome.
CCCG | CCCG | GGWell Loretta she's my Cbarroom Ggirl
CWears them sevens on her Gsleeves
GDances like a Cdiamond Gshines
CTells me lies I love to Gb'lieve
D7Her age is always twenty two
Her Claughin' eyes a hazel Ghue
GSpends my money like Cwater Gfalls
CLoves me like I want her Gto
CLoves me like I want her Gto
CLoves me like I want her Gto