The first thing DI remember Gknowing
Was a Dlonesome whistle Gblowing
And a Dyoung one's dream of growing up to A7ride
On a Dfreight train leaving Gtown
Not Dknowing where I'm Gbound
And no Done could change my A7mind but Mama Dtried
One and Donly rebel Gchild
From a Dfamily meek and Gmild
My Dmama seemed to know what lay in A7store
Depite Dall my Sunday Glearning
Towards the Dbad I kept on Gturning
Til DMama couldn't A7hold me anyDmore
And I turned Dtwenty-one in prison doing Glife without parDole
No Bmone could steer me right but Mama Atried Mama tried
Mama Dtried to raise me better but her Gpleading I denDied
That leaves Donly me to A7blame cause Mama Dtried
Dear old DDaddy rest his Gsoul
Left my Dmom a heavy Gload
She Dtried so very hard to fill his A7shoes
Working Dhours without Grest
Wanted Dme to have the Gbest
She Dtried to raise me A7right but I reDfused
And I turned Dtwenty-one in prison doing Glife without parDole
No Bmone could steer me right but Mama Atried Mama tried
Mama Dtried to raise me better but her Gpleading I denDied
That leaves Donly me to A7blame cause Mama Dtried