It was in the Dspring one sunny D7day
My good gal Gleft me Lord she went aDway
And now she's Dgone but I don't Aworry
'Cause I'm Dsittin' on Gtop of the Dworld
She called me Dup from down in El paD7so
Said come back, Gdaddy, Lord I need you Dso
And now she's Dgone but I don't Aworry
'Cause I'm Dsittin' on Gtop of the Dworld
Ashes to Dashes, dust to D7dust
Show me a Gwoman a man can Dtrust
And now she's Dgone but I don't Aworry
'Cause I'm Dsittin' on Gtop of the Dworld
Mississippi DRiver, long, deep and D7wide
The woman I'm Gloving is on the other Dside
And now she's Dgone but I don't Aworry
'Cause I'm Dsittin' on Gtop of the Dworld
You don't like my Dpeaches, don't you shake my D7tree
Get out of my Gorchard, let my peaches Dbe
And now she's Dgone but I don't Aworry
'Cause I'm Dsittin' on Gtop of the Dworld
Don't you come here Drunning, holding out your D7hand
I'll get me a Gwoman like you got your Dman
And now she's Dgone but I don't Aworry
'Cause I'm Dsittin' on Gtop of the Dworld